How to get your story told
on the internet

Webdox conference on online storytelling and datajournalism
Leuven, Belgium

An impression


Design thinking and iteration for journalism and interactivity

My advise on content development is: remix often. I love that this happens in technology and it's what we do at New York Times

Interesting NY Times projects on datajournalism and interactive storytelling are:
- High Rise
- Fractions of a Second: An Olympic Musical
- Interactive Map: Your Biking Wisdom in 10 Words
- Blackout poetry



We share everything with Creative Commons to allow others to remix it.

 Interesting projects


Interesting research on tagging documentaries and creating online universes of the media landscape of documentaries

When positive feelings come up from a TV show people are not always going to interact on social media. It's more difficult to measure than negative feelings.

 Go to


I have a story to tell
It is amazing
It will change the world

Involving audiences in telling the story is proven to be very successful.

 See how you can tell stories with maps


Founder of Alphapanda, developing social media campaigns, online PR activities for movies.

Start marketing and community building at the pre-production phase of your project. At the release date you will have a fan community.

 Go to Alpha Panda


How to reach a community and how to do crowdfunding

Community: “The people formerly known as the audience” Jay Rosen, 2006

 Go to Lumento film


Co-founder of the data journalism MSc program at Tilburg University.

Are algorithms able to tell a journalistic story? Yes they are.

 Go to Data J Lab


Runs the PBS MediaShift and Idea Lab sites

People in media are obsessed with the word impact.

- Go to
- Sparkwise: One stats dashboard with artwork and video embedding tool
- About the NewsLynx impact tool

How much do you think a pregnancy costs?
In how many countries is homosexuality considered a crime punishable by imprisonment?
How many journalist in your country were killed in 2013?

When making RNW publications involve the target group from the concept creation phase all the way to the moment of publication (and later).

RNW concept: rewriting highly promising speeches of politicians by blacking out and adding text to a speech in order to write a speech that’s more reflecting on reality.