The struggle of an LGBT activist being religious and homosexual
The struggle of an LGBT activist being religious and homosexual
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Photography by Michiel Bles

In 2014 Clare joins the Amsterdam Gay Pride to advocate for gay rights worldwide
Clare is part of a group of 8 LGBT activists from various regions in the world where gay rights are under attack. The group is invited by RNW Media.
Clare was "outed" in Ugandan media when a story about her personal life was published. "Outings" are a common threat for Ugandan LGBT activists. Tabloids put pictures and personal information on their front covers.
After the outing she constantly gets death threats. She can’t walk in public, because the risk of being attacked. As Clare explains: "People say: It’s the girl we’ve seen on TV, in the newspapers."
At an advocacy event during the Amsterdam Gay Pride in Amsterdam, Clare passionately delivers a speech about her situation.
During her speech young people from Uganda (amongst others) post their comments on Clare’s Facebook timeline
Homophobia by peers is not the only challenge Clare faces
In church, everyday people kept reminding you how are going to hell, how you are deviant, how God hates homosexuals