Best photojournalism of 2019 by Time

Best photojournalism of 2019 by Time


Time Magazine too brings an overview of ‘the best of 2019’. Their ‘Best photojournalism of 2019’ opens with a striking shot of their Person of the Year, Greta Thunberg. Watching the wall of lenses waiting at the train door she’s about to exit, you almost starting to feel sorry for her. At the same time, exposure is what she’s after. Crucial for her master plan to save the planet. Best wishes, Greta.

When scrolling down ‘Best photojournalism of 2019’ you stumble upon key shots of various photo stories, reportages and portraits selected by the Time Photo Department. Check the hyperlinks in the intro text to see the full stories. Plus one for Matthieu Paley’s work in Jacobabad, Pakistan, where temperatures reached more than 50 degrees (Celsius, that is) making it one of the hottest places in the world. Paley’s project nicely mixes reportage and street portraits.

Have a look at ‘Best photojournalism of 2019 by Time’

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